350 gr. fresh Pappardelle
4 artichokes
20 gr. dried mushrooms
250 gr. Tinned chopped tomatoes
½ glass of dry white wine
1 small onion
1 sprig of fresh chives
1 lemon juice
100 gr. extra virgin olive oil
1 garlic glove, peeled
sea coarse salt
salt and black pepper to taste
Place the mushrooms in a bowl and cover with lukewarm water and leave to soak for about 30 minutes.
Start preparing the artichokes. Fill another bowl with cold water and lemon juice. Cut and discard the stalks about 3 cm below the base, using a stalk knife. Peel the stalk until you get to the sweeter inner cones. Dice it into 0,5 cm pieces, then put into the bowl. Now, break off and discard the first layer of leaves until you get the thinner ones. Cut and discard the top of the artichoke. Halve lengthways, then remove the hairy chokes. Slice finely and tip into the lemon bowl. Repeat the method with the other artichokes.
Heat the oil in a large pan over a medium-high heat, then add the finely sliced onion, chopped garlic and a tablespoon of chopped chives. Flour for a few seconds, then tip into the artichokes and fry for 5 minutes.
Reserving the soaking water, stir in the mushrooms, the pour into the wine and continue to cook for a further minute to allow the alcohol to evaporate.
Add the tomatoes, cover and cook over a low heat for further 10/15 minutes. Loosen with the filtered soaking water, if needed. Season with salt and pepper.
Cook the Pappardelle in a large pan of salted boiling water as in the packet instructions.
Drain the pasta and pour into the saucepan. Toss well with two forks for a couple of minutes.
Sprinkle over some chopped chives and serve.
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